Monday, February 11, 2019

Round #1 Starts Now!

By the time you read this, I should already be hooked up and zoned out with Round #1 of Yondelis!

Yup, just another reason to hate Mondays . . . at least every third Monday starting from today, Monday, February 11, 2019!  Having gone through chemotherapy before,  I know just how much it can suck the very life out of you.  I had sworn I would never do this again, yet here I am, I've signed up for more.  It's really quite surprising what people are willing to sacrifice for the promise of better health and a longer life!

In fairness though to Yondelis, which has been marketed as the "kinder, gentler chemo", perhaps the better way for me to look at this is: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".  I've been told that Yondelis has an absolute hatred for Myxoid Liposarcoma, so my focus right now should be on this common ground, where we can both agree.  It's really not fair for me to be prejudging her, just because of some bad breakup I had with another chemo years ago.  I need to hear her out and give her a chance.

But for this relationship to work, there are certain rules/conditions that must be followed:
  1. I've got to eat!  No more starvation diets just to try to get along!  Please don't make me feel bad if I do a little light snacking every now and again!
  2. You can't have all of my white blood cells!  Yes, I'm sure they are quite tasty mixed in with the Myxoid, but I'm just not ready for that level of commitment.  
  3. Leave my kidneys alone, period!  The last chemo I had took advantage of me while was I doped up and sleeping.  Never again!
If these boundaries can be respected, I think we'll get along just fine . . . and we'll each get what we want!  Kill those damned Myxoid Liposarcoma invaders!


  1. Hope Yondelis is fierce against the liposarcoma but kind to you. Please let us know if we can help in any way. We are on Team Dave!!!

    1. Thanks Gwyn! Man do I wish this old and tired blog software would get a Like or React button like FB. It is sorely in need of some social features!

    2. I agree it needs an update. Couldn't change name on earlier comment (on January 19 blog post) from "unknown" to my name! Just know we are 2 of the many people who love and support you and your family! 💛

  2. David, keeping you in prayers! And your family too!!!
