This was actually the official t-shirt of the Atlanta Walk for Sarcoma Awareness event, held back in mid-July. I had asked for a t-shirt months ago, but they had run out. Since then, however, Dr. Gina D’Amato ordered more for her patients and I got mine on Monday when I checked in. Yeah!
You’ve Got Mail!When I got home from the hospital late Thursday, Bryce informed me that I had “lots of mail”. It turns out that a number of students from his 4th grade class had sent me handcrafted, personalized “get well” cards. This was yet another very kind and touching statement, which I credit to Bryce and his teacher Ms. Wilkins. As you may recall, a month ago this classroom sent me a large “get well” poster, which is currently hanging on my porch.
Nausea Mostly Under ControlThough I’ve been fighting some nausea since I’ve come home from the hospital, the Emend seems to be keeping it pretty well in check. At 3 days out of the hospital, I’m pleased with how things are going.
Round #5 Not Over YetThough it’s easy to get excited about being out of the hospital and done with the Chemo portion of Round #5, my toughest battle with this round still lies ahead. It seems as though always around the 5-day mark (post hospital) that my white counts drop to nothing and that I become quite susceptible to neutropenic fever (which happened after Round #1, #3, and #4). I really would like to avoid any unscheduled ER trips this round and see that my white and neutrophil counts come back on their own from the comfort of my home.
A heartfelt “Thank you!” to family, friends, and supportersThe importance of support during a time like this cannot be overstated. And fortunately for me and my family, we have been very blessed with an outpouring of support from our family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, church, and job, not to mention the dozens of acquaintances I’ve made through email and posts to this blogger site. I have to say that it is quite remarkable that people care as much as they do.
We have friends and neighbors providing us with meals, mowing our yard, watching our kids, and providing us with the emotional support that we need. Quite honestly, I don’t think that Holly and I could fight this battle without them. I only hope that one day we can repay them for their kindness and generosity. Certainly this experience has taught me just how deep human compassion can and should go.
Good afternoon Dave.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that this round appears to have gone down a little easier than some of the past ones.
Keep up the fight, and god bless you.
Warren Prins