Thursday, June 20, 2019

Round #5 is Smooth Sailing; Scan Results Encouraging

As expected, Round #5 did indeed start on June 4th.  My CPK numbers were within range so there was no reason to delay my treatment.  My dosage was increased slightly this round to 1.0 mg/m2 (same as Round #3).  And fortunately for me, things have pretty much gone smooth as silk. No complaints or complications to report this round!

Scan Results

On Monday (June 17) of this week I had another set of follow-up scans.  They ended up doing a CT-scan of the Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis (CAP) along with an MRI of the pelvis.  Just today I received the radiology report with the good news: about 12% shrinkage of the tumor and no further metastasis detected.  That's fantastic news and a huge relief for me!  The Yondelis is certainly working and (finally) I am tolerating it well.  I suspect we will "stay the course" with this Yondelis treatment until that tumor is shrunk down to next to nothing.

Round #6 Starts Tuesday

Assuming my counts all look good on Tuesday, I am expect Round #6 to begin that day.  I think there's a chance that my dosage might be increased slightly for this round, but I doubt the doctor will want to tempt fate too much (given my experience with Round #1 and #2).  I'll keep you posted.

That's it for now -- thanks for reading!


  1. I am happy for good news.
    And compared to january CT-scan, how much is the total shrinkage of the tumor?
    Can you show the two images for comparing them?
    Best regards
    Dario Rossi

  2. We'll take all the good news we can get! :)

  3. Hi all just been diagnosed with high grade soft tissue Myxoid Liposarcoma (thigh) starting 25 sessions of radiotherapy July 9. Worried nervous anxious you name it. Just reading about everybody's stories looking for positive outcomes and inspiration. Just reading about Dave Novak great stuff. Any help advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Karl

    1. Karl -- please be sure to check out This is by far the very best information I have ever seen for somebody newly diagnosed. Not sure where you are being treated, but this article also explains the importance of being treated at a Sarcoma Center by a Sarcoma Specialist.
