Thursday, February 21, 2013

6-month chest CT "all Clear"

I had my 6-month follow-up scans this morning (chest-only CT) and my Orthopedic Oncologist (Dr. David Monson) just gave me the "all clear".  Yeah!

I'll be back on August 21 for the full Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis CT (i.e., the one where I have to drinks that 'awesome' contrast).

Oh, and Happy Birthday Holly!  :)


  1. Great to hear! and Happy Birthday, Holly!

  2. Dave, my name is Jim, I am from Pennsylvania. I am 46 years old, and I was 242 pounds at 9% body fat at six foot. forty one days ago I was diagnosed with a pleomorphic sarcoma on my left thigh. It measures 8 cm by 7 by 5 I believe, and has been there from what I can tell since October 2012. I just finished my second round of six chemo treatments with your same regimen. my hair has gone, my body weight is 208. I am getting soo much from your blog, Thank You. My wife has started her own from our experience, it helps her tremendously. My son is ten and is taking all this pretty hard. If you would like to contact me my email is So far I haved used your blog as a reference point, and it also gives me hope!!

  3. Hi, Dave. I randomly found you because I decided to click "next blog" on my Blogger tab bar. Congrats on your all clear! I don't know you, but reading this gave me a lift on a night when I needed it.

  4. Hey Dave... you have become my inspiration. I just got diagnosed with myxoid high grade in my left thigh also. Its huge.. 18cm long. They also found a small mass in my lungs.. initially they said they would just monitor and all i need is localized radiation but now I"m seeing a medical oncologist for chemo treatments possibly. I will know thursday. I appreciate hearing your successes and hope I can share in the same success that you have had. If you can offer any piece of advice before I start it be greatly appreciated. I am newly married December 1, 2012 and don't want to make my new wife a widow.
