Though we’re still kind of early into Round #2 of this 3-week cycle, I do seem to be doing fairly well thus far. According to Holly and Barbara, they both think I’m doing and sounding much better this time.
Losing hair quickly now
I ended up shedding so much hair on my pillow at the hospital that I actually called in the resident barber to shave the remaining stubs on my head. And just between us, it was a little scary as the electric clippers she used were so darn loud. I kid you not. In fact at one time I even quipped if she had any ear plugs (since my ears were ringing). But I survived without a nick, which is all I really cared about. I’m actually starting to like the bald look.
Choices . . . always choices
So I’m here at home Saturday morning when low and behold the mailman drops off a package at our door and rings the doorbell. Funny thing, I don’t remember ordering anything. Even more of a surprise, the package is for me! What could it be?!? In eager anticipation, I open the package to find . . . replacement hair. Now how’s that for timing? I just got buzzed on Friday, started coming to terms with my baldness, and now this! But rather than figure out on Saturday exactly when and where to try out my graciously supplied wig, I decided to take a Phenegrin and sleep most of the afternoon. Chuck LeDuc -- I owe you . . . once again!
Sunday Morning -- Neulasta shot
If you recall, the Neulasta shot stimulates the production of white blood cells. But this time, I had this $3600 shot done at the infusion center at Emory Winship Cancer Institute rather than purchasing the shot through the local pharmacy. It turns out that in/out patient co-pays are almost always less than the pharmacy co-pay. That’s something to keep in mind going forward.
The Mullet revealed!
After gaining some strength from the Chinese food I had at lunch, I decided now was as good a time as any to try out the new wig. So I put on a nice shirt and gave it a go. The result? Well, I realize it was the popular pick and all, but I wasn’t so sure that I really pulling it off as obviously others had hoped. I just wasn’t getting that achy breaky feeling when looking in the mirror. Holly’s reaction was equally mixed, though (as usual) more positive than mine. She figured I should walk down to the basement (during the boys “media time”) just to see if they notice. Of course Bryce realized it right away (his comments later), but Kyle spoke with me for about a minute without ever looking up to realize my “new look”. He then screamed!
The family has spoken . . . the people have spoken . . . a compromise revealed
Though Holly is still teetering on whether she likes this new look or not, for the boys this is definitely a no go. In fact, Bryce (in all his wisdom) stated “that kind of makes you look stupid and not handsome. I like you better bald.” And, of course, Kyle’s scream spoke volumes. So what am I left with? I suppose now I can wear this when just Holly and I go out. That should work. Also what works is meeting friends for lunch while wearing the wig. But for the house, I’ll probably have to stick with just being bald. Call it a compromise. BTW -- Thai food sounds good . . . any takers?!? I'll wear the wig . . . but only if you pay! :)