Sunday, February 9, 2025

Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!

Before anybody quickly responds to this title with "OK Boomer" or "Thanks Captain Obvious", let me be clear as to what I'm talking about.  In this case, a picture is worth 1000 words:

Yes, just as I did prior to each intensive chemotherapy treatment back in 2008, I was sure to stop at The Varsity for a chili dog, onion rings, and a frosted orange!  I cannot explain scientifically how this combination both kills cancer and leads to healing, but I know from experience that it works.  I'm also sure to not miss my dose of Lipitor that day! 😁

I'm also happy to report that my treatment wrapped up on Friday and we're back home now in Ponte Vedra, Florida.  I'll add this certificate to my collection:

Next follow-up is in about 3 months.  At that time Emory will do a detailed scan and compare that with images captured during the planning phase (back in mid-January).  I fully expect to the tumor to both shrink and show signs of necrosis.

Now time to relax and get ready for what I'm hoping will be an exciting Superbowl tonight!  We'll talk next in May!

Monday, February 3, 2025

It's only Monday but it feels like FryDave!

So I started the 1st of 5 treatments of Proton SBRT today and things went well!  I have to admit, however, that I actually got a little nervous this time.  Why?  In part it's the triple-dosing I'm getting with each round and being worried that I'll move or twitch when the beam is active.  But another part is because the prompts/hints were all different this time as compared to 2 years ago.  Back then I knew exactly when the beam was running as it made an "old school typewriter" noise.  No detectable noise at all this time (though perhaps we had the music going too loud).  And from my angle (laying face up on the table) I could not see any radiation warning light (usually a red flashing light that goes on when the beam is active).  All I got was a one-time "we'll be starting radiation soon" announcement but didn't know when the beam was running.

What I can say is that the radiation plan calls for 3 different beam angles, all coming in from my back side.  This is not surprising as tumor itself is behind my right kidney.  Prior to turning on the beam at each location, I am told that the techs had the doctor look at a live X-Ray of me to verify that I am lined up exactly.  From what they told me when it was over, I was lined up perfectly with each of the 3 beam applications and kept very still the entire time.  I'm happy to hear that as I felt like I was about to have a calf cramp just in anticipation of what was about to happen.

For the remaining treatment days I've requested that the techs give me a "heads-up" just before activating the beam.  This will help me to remain calmer and control my breathing because (in my opinion) knowledge is power.

The guys there in "the purple treatment room" (one of 4 active proton therapy rooms) were really awesome and not only let me take some pictures, but they took this picture of me right after my first treatment.

And no, I wasn't trying to look sexy, I just am!