The MRI got set up for Monday, June 30 at a private imaging center (as they could get me in sooner than Resurgens). Though I didn't see the advantage at the time, it turns out that since this was a private facility, I got to take home my MRI Images the day of my MRI. (They then fax the Radiology report to my doctor "within 24 hours".) But my followup appointment with the doctor was scheduled for 3 weeks later (July 21). And that was all fine with me since I was OK (or so I thought).
After getting home, I couldn't help but look at the films and was shocked with what I saw. Though I'm not a doctor, it seemed quite clear that there was a serious problem. Here are some of those films:

For the first time, I was actually nervous that I had something bad. I was convinced it was some sort of tumor; I just had no idea if it was benign or malignant. But this thing is huge: about 7.5 x 4 x 2 inches in length, width, and depth – elliptically shaped. Googling the subject revealed a few possible diagnoses, all of which were bad. I was getting more nervous.
I called my doctor's office who promised to share with me the Radiology report over the phone the next day. Now we wait . . . .
I called my doctor's office who promised to share with me the Radiology report over the phone the next day. Now we wait . . . .