Thursday morning I had both an MRI of my leg and the full set of Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis (CAP) CT-Scans. These scans, of course, were preceded by a Wednesday evening “nightcap” of “Creamy Vanilla Smoothie” (a.k.a., Barium Sulfate Suspension), with the same for breakfast Thursday morning. I have to admit, the Vanilla was the best of all the flavors I have tried. That’s not to say that I liked it either, but rather that it was the most
tolerable of the ones I’ve had thus far. Next time though, I think I’ll press my luck and go for the (even newer) Mocha flavor! Mmm . . . Mocha . . . I just hope I can stand the anticipation between now and then! [No, not really; I
can wait. :)]
Now for the good news: my quarterly scans where all clear! Yeah!!! This leaves me sitting easy for the next 3 months. Honestly, I never really worry too much about what may or may not be going on in-between scans. Yes, I typically do get a little nervous the evening before my scans, but the truth is there’s really nothing I can do that will make my results either better or worse than what they are going to be. And that’s not fatalism or defeatism by any stretch; that, my friends, is acceptance.

So what’s the
but about in the title? Well, way back in July, 2008 (when I was getting my first full set of scans), it was noted that I have a rather sizable lipoma under my right armpit (see dark area within the
red outline in the scan picture on left). Though my latest radiology report describes this as “a right axillary lipoma, stable from the prior exam”,
Dr. Monson (my orthopedic oncologist) recommended that I get it removed. (Note that I also have several other smaller, more typical-sized lipomas in various locations, but the doctor has no interest or intention of removing those.) Though his advice was couched with “no rush”, the concern is that a large lipoma
could change into something cancerous. I suppose he’s probably right (he certainly has an amazing reputation and impeccable credentials). Even so, I’ll want to get another opinion as well as find out more details about the surgery itself, particularly the risks and recovery time. I think my main hesitation here is I'm not looking forward to any surgery, especially if it will take days to weeks to fully recover. Furthermore, it's not currently bothering me or giving me any type of discomfort. If anybody has any information or advice for me here, I’m all ears.
And there’s one more
but worth mentioning here: all my scans this time were done
without IV contrast. Why? Well, recent blood tests showed slightly elevated
creatinine levels (mine is 1.5) and there was some concern that the powerful intravenous contrast agents (those used with the CT-scans especially) might send my kidneys “over the edge”. What’s surprising to me is that I’ve
always been good about drinking plenty of water and I’ve made a point of drinking 2 – 3 bottles of water immediately after each CT-Scan in an effort to quickly flush these from my system (as suggested by the radiologist). Even so, it's possible that the sum of all these dyes to-date has led to my elevated creatinine levels. But it's even more likely (as one comment below suggests) that in my case what I'm seeing here is a late effect of my
chemotherapy drugs. Either way, I will need to avoid contrast agents going forward.
To be clear, I’m not blaming anyone for this. Dr. Monson never ordered any contrast with my scans and has long since preached against this practice, arguing that the risk outweighs any perceived benefit. Furthermore, in my case, I am told that about 80% of any Myxoid Liposarcoma recurrence would show up as “chest nodules”, which is something you don’t need contrast to see.
So why was IV contrast used in the first place? Well, it’s the radiologists who seem to prefer it. But even there, they were fine with skipping it knowing that my creatinine levels were elevated. In fact, they were very appreciative that I had my levels tested and that I brought this to their attention.
So why even mention this? The point here is that one needs to be aware that cancer treatment and/or prevention
can lead to yet a new set of problems. Also, if you’re having MRIs and/or CT-Scans with IV contrast, be sure to drink plenty of water immediately after the exam to help flush these dyes from your system. Finally, make sure that your doctor monitors your creatinine levels (especially if you've had
chemotherapy drugs) so that any issues are caught early . . . before they have a chance to become big problems.
OK – I’m done. I’ve rambled on long enough. Expect to hear from me in another 3 months.